The chickens geting chased by a pine martin and they started going up trees!! Cream and mascerpony always go up trees. But ALL of them are now going up trees!!! even the cockerels. One night when i was in bed i heard a really scary noise like a bukbukbukbukeeeeeeeee and in the morning pancake was missing he was the last of the favarolles.
and wierdly another night coco and carob went missing, now theres only 1 road island red left. poor chocolate doesent have any friends left, and kujo was ill for a bit, and i went outside just as they were going to bed, he was sitting there trying to get into the house.
I lifted him into the house but sadly he died coming out the house in the morning RIP Kujo, Coco, Carob and Pancake. Me and Mummy made a run for the chickens so that no more went missing in the night, and it worked for about a week and then we kept foregetting BUT some of them still went in the house!! then Violet got ill, and she died in the night. RIP Violet. Lets have a min of silence for them.
The chickens were in the snow for a bit but it all melted. its a horrible day today, I'll get some photos of my toy hens today though (hopefully)
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